Frequently Asked Questions

What does S4, LLC buy in terms of assets?
S4, LLC is focused on purchasing excess consumer products. We are open to looking at other assets-types if they meet certain criteria (see below).

What kind of capacity does S4, LLC have on maximum/minimum value purchase?
Our company is best suited to handle deals ranging from $100,000-$10,000,000 on a purchase basis, and can recommend best-of-breed partners should we not be the best-positioned to address your needs. We are most interested in assets that had an original retail price of at least $1 million.

What kind of experience does S4, LLC have in regards to industries, manufacturers, and products?
We have experience with a wide range of products that we have transacted, such as

  1. Consumer electronics - Dell Axim PDAs, iPod accessories, PC speakers, wireless VOIP routers, amongst many deals
  2. Industrial computer and networking equipment - high end Cisco, Sun, and Alcatel switches and servers are our mainstay
  3. S4, LLC specializes in special situations work-outs, dealing with a variety of complete inventory buyouts from Fortune 500 divisions being closed out, regional sound companies with used professional audio equipment, and excess consumer product from reverse logistics companies.
This list is by no means comprehensive, so please contact us with no matter the manufacture or items you have available!

How does S4, LLC pay, and over what timeframe?
We pay upon the shipping of product or earlier, as long as all parties' interests are protected. For consignment purchases, payment issues will be worked out in the contract.

What is the form of payment?
We are very flexible on how you will be paid. This can be cashier check, bank wire, credit card, money order or company check. Our goal is to make this an easy and safe transaction for you, and we will do what it takes to meet that.

Is S4, LLC primarily an inventory holder or broker?
We take stock for most products that we purchase. We see ourselves in the business of providing liquidity, measured with inventory risk, not informational arbitrage, and we do not broadcast our deals unless with prior consent from the inventory holder.

My company has a lot of product, how much can S4, LLC handle?
To date, S4 has never passed on a deal due to size. One of our larger deals in recent history included 1000 pallets of material that took over 20 full trailer-tractors to remove. We have highly capable partners, national logistics companies, that can handle multiple warehouses of inventory on demand.

Who are some of S4, LLC's current and past clients?
Our client base ranges from Fortune 100 companies to 5 person startups. No matter the size of the company, we will give an appropriate amount of attention and customer service to each client. As stated, our goal is to acquire assets based on value, regardless if the source is a large or small organization. Past clients include: Netopia Inc., Sun Microsystems Inc., and AOL Inc.

Where do all of these excess assets come from?
We have purchased assets from companies for a myriad of reasons. Mergers and acquisitions, "end of life" product, equipment upgrades, excess inventory (overstock), overproduction in manufacturing, bankruptcy, liquidation, and discontinued product lines are some of the most common themes seen in the industry.

Does S4, LLC pay commissions on brokered deals?
Of course! We recognize the value of brokers in this business, as a majority of the deals we participate are brought to us by the large broker network we access. If you have sources for excess assets fitting our critera, please contact us and we will work out a fair commission structure with you prior to engaging with the principal in the deal.